EASY Homemade 10 MINUTE CORN DOGS Recipe

Our church youth group participated in a progressive dinner this weekend where they travelled house to house for each course of the meal.  I volunteered to do the main course and as the youth visit our home on almost a weekly basis, I knew these corn dogs would be a huge hit served alongside my homemade Southern 5 Cheese Mac & Cheese.

I made an extra 3 dozen to freeze for our boys to grab and pop into the microwave or toaster oven for a quick snack or lunch.  These are also a great addition to birthday party meals or to pack in school lunches!


16-20  hot dogs

1 cup yellow cornmeal

1 cup flour

4 Tbsp sugar

4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

2 large eggs

1 cup milk

Peanut or Vegetable oil, for frying

Heavier bamboo skewers or Popsicle sticks

EASY Homemade 10 MINUTE CORN DOGS Recipe
EASY Homemade 10 MINUTE CORN DOGS Recipe


  1. Dry the hot dogs with a paper towel and push a heavier bamboo or popsicle stick into one end.

  2. In a large bowl, blend all of the dry ingredients together. In another bowl, whisk together the egg and milk.

  3. Pour the milk mixture into the dry ingredients and blend well. Pour the batter into a tall narrow jar or container for easy dipping.

  4. Add 5-6 inches of oil to a heavy-bottomed sauce pot. If you have one, attach a deep-fry thermometer to the side and heat the oil over medium-high heat until the thermometer reaches 360ºF. If you don't have one, heat the oil for approximately 4-5 minutes. To test the temperature, drop a small dot of batter into the oil. If it immediately sizzles, you are ready to go. While frying corn dogs, I f you find they get dark too quickly, turn the heat down.

  5. Dip and roll each hot dog in the batter until it’s completely coated. Allow excessive batter to drip off before slowly lowering it into the hot oil.

  6. Fry the corn dog for approximately 3-4 minutes or until golden rotating them several times for even frying.

  7. Transfer the cooked corndogs onto a paper towel-lined plate. Repeat the breading and frying process with the remaining hot dogs.

  8. Serve with mustard or ketchup or any other toppings you prefer.

EASY Homemade 10 MINUTE CORN DOGS Recipe

